In this presentation from a recent 'Advances in Enviromental Analysis eSeminar' hosted by Separation Science in collaboration with PerkinElmer, Roberta Provosta (Pace Analytical Services, USA) and Lee Marotta (PerkinElmer, USA) present a cost effective, green solution for volatiles and semi-volatiles in air that can be conducted in one analysis.
There is an increasing need to measure both volatile and semi-volatile components in air since impact to human health are concerns. Currently, the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile components requires two methods EPA TO-15 or TO-17 for VOCs and EPA TO-13A for SVOCs. The purpose of this new, innovative, and novel research first published in 2014 is to analyze all of these components using one analytical method following EPA TO-17.
TO-17 captures target analytes in air, via active sampling, with specified adsorbents. To enable the analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in air, a new tube design was developed to quantitatively provide results from 1,3-butadiene up to benzo(g,h,i) perylene; a component boiling point range from nC4 to cC44. All 16 regulated PAH targets and volatiles in one air sample!
Advantages of the one analysis solution
The advantages of the one analysis solution include reduced sampling costs, enhanced laboratory productivity, profitability, and safety. Unlike TO-13, TO-17 does not require solvent extraction making TO-17 a greener approach.
About the presentersRoberta Provost earned her degree in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin. She has an extensive and successful career in the environmental industry that spans nearly twenty years. Past experience includes wet chemistry, metals, VOCs, PCBs, organo-chlorine and organo-phosphorous pesticide analyses, as well as industrial chemistry method development. She currently works as a senior chemist in the Air Laboratory at Pace Analytical and specializes in method development.
Lee Marotta has been a gas chromatographer for over 25 years starting at Exxon Corporate Research in 1988. After Exxon, Lee moved to PerkinElmer in 1992 as a Product Specialist and is currently a Senior Field Application Scientist focusing on solutions for the petroleum and environmental industries. Lee has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental field including water, soil and a focus on air.
By viewing this on-demand presentation you will learn...
- data that will demonstrate both field and analytical soundness of this combined method
- site studies where side-by-side sampling and analysis were performed between the TO-15/TO-13 methods and the TO-17 method.