The Power of GC-TOF-MS for Environmental Applications

by | May 28, 2020

Discover how GC-TOF-MS and GC×GC-TOF-MS technologies can dramatically enhance your applications for environmental analysis and increase data quality and sample throughput. 

Discover how GC-TOF-MS and GC×GC-TOF-MS technologies can dramatically enhance your applications for environmental analysis and increase data quality and sample throughput. 


'The Power of GC-TOF-MS for Environmental Applications' eSeminar focusing on environmental analysis. Further details are below:


Juergen_NickEnvironmental Analysis – Using State of the Art GC, GCxGC, TOF-MS & HR-TOF-MS Technology to Resolve, Detect and Understand the Impacts of Civilisation on the Environment and Human Health
Jürgen Wendt & Nick Jones (LECO Europe, Germany)

Lourdes_100Exhaustive Characterization of Pyrogenic Environmental Samples using GC×GC‒ToF MS
Lourdes Ramos (IQOG-CSIC, Spain)

David_Benanou_100Approaches to Trace Level Analysis of Contaminants in Complex Matrix Water Applications: A comparison of 1D GCMS & 2D GC-TOF-MS — Selectivity, Sensitivity & Throughput
David Benanou (Veolia, France)

Thomas_Gröger_100Characterization of Organic Components on the Particulate Matter of Aerosols by GC- and GCxGC-TOFMS for the Evaluation of its Impact to Health and the Environment
Thomas Gröger (Helmholtz Institute Munich, Germany)

The environment we live in provides everything needed for life to flourish, from the energy, food, water needed for basic existence to the raw materials which drive our industry and the development of our civilisation. However, it is this very development which in turn creates a revolving equilibrium during which everything we do in our society impacts the environment and then back upon ourselves and our health. The understanding of this Human-Environment equilibrium is vital as we strive towards a goal of living sustainable and healthy lives. Therefore, measuring the impacts of the use of chemicals like pesticides in farming, oil for the production of countless materials or emissions and waste generation created by combustion of fuel etc. is a highly important analytical need.

Analysis of the thousands of chemicals present in our air, land and water supplies is highly complex and, therefore, time consuming and experimentally challenging.

LECO’s state of the art GC, GC×GC, TOF-MS & HR-TOF-MS technology allows better than ever before ways to detect and quantify complex mixtures of chemicals found in water, in soil and in the air we breathe in our cities and countryside. By using LECO's industry leading TOF-MS capability, it is possible to reduce run times, simultaneously analyse multiple compound classifications and enhance separations in dirty matrices with comprehensive GC×GC.

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