The Challenges of Pesticide Analysis – LC or GC Triple Quadrupole?

by | Apr 16, 2021

'Instrument Selection Discussion Series' looking at the pros and cons of LC-QqQ and GC-QqQ for the analysis of pesticides in food and agricultural matrices.

Ensuring the safety of the world’s food supply is critical, but identifying and quantifying contaminants such as pesticides can be a significant challenge, particularly in widely differing environments under a variety of regulatory frameworks.


This webinar discussion forum, produced in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, is part 1 of the 'Instrument Selection Discussion Series', which will take a look at the pros and cons of LC-QqQ and GC-QqQ for the analysis of pesticides in food and agricultural matrices. Industry and technology experts will provide their insights on the various instrumental setups and workflows for analysing real-work samples and aim to address questions such as:

  • What are the main challenges in the QqQ analysis of a comprehensive list of pesticides?
  • What are the most challenging sample matrices for pesticides analysis with QqQ instruments?
  • How can GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS or High-Resolution Accurate Mass (HRAM) technology address counterfeiting issues?
  • Will laboratories use QqQ and HRAM as a complementary approach?
  • What will be the key improvements to these instrumental workflows in the near future?

Our expert panellists for this educational event are:

BertPopping_eDMBert Popping (FOCOS)
Bert advises technology providers, food manufacturers, start-up companies, not-for-profit organizations, investors and laboratories on strategic food safety solutions and emerging technologies. He has 25 years of experience in the food testing industry.

KatieBanaszewski_eDMKatie Banaszewski (NOW Foods)
Katie is the Analytical Lab Manager NOW Foods where she uses her 15 years of industry experience to lead the development and implementation of a routine pesticide residue monitoring program and plays an integral role in growing the company’s analytical capabilities.

LukaszRajski_eDMŁukasz Rajski (EURL-FV, University of Almería)
Łukasz is an expert in the development and validation of analytical methods for pesticide residues in food, working with advanced mass spectrometry techniques (both high-resolution and triple quadrupole) coupled to ultra-high performance LC and IC.

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