In this presentation from a recent 'Advances in Enviromental Analysis eSeminar' hosted by Separation Science in collaboration with PerkinElmer, Lee Marotta (PerkinElmer, USA) reports on the success of using alternate carrier gases for volatile methods.
This presentation demonstrates the success of using alternate carrier gases for volatile methods such as US EPA methods 524.2, 624 and 8260. Traditionally, these are performed using helium as the purge and gas chromatography (GC) carrier gas. However, due to its increasing cost and suggested limited supply, alternative carrier gases, such as hydrogen and nitrogen are being considered. The goal of this research was to investigate the use of alternate carrier gases while meeting US EPA method criteria.
About the presenterLee Marotta has been a gas chromatographer for over 25 years starting at Exxon Corporate Research in 1988. After Exxon, Lee moved to PerkinElmer in 1992 as a Product Specialist and is currently a Senior Field Application Scientist focusing on solutions for the petroleum and environmental industries. Lee has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental field including water, soil and a focus on air.
By viewing this on-demand presentation you will learn...
- how to meet all criteria associated with these volatile methods using hydrogen and nitrogen as carrier gases, and why nitrogen may be the best choice.