Separation Science 2017 – don’t miss this unique learning experience

by | Sep 26, 2017

Focus on hyphenated techniques, chromatography, mass spectrometry and related techniques - learning opportunity from leading thought leaders and key educators

Separation Science 2017 is the latest instalment of this highly successful conference, and will focus upon key disciplines within chromatography, mass spectrometry and related techniques, providing attendees with a unique learning opportunity from leading thought leaders and key educators in these techniques.

Sign up for Separation Science 2017When: 1-2 November, 2017
Where: Biopolis, Singapore

This year the scientific programme will concentrate on the analytical power and versatility of hyphenated techniques, and offer a valuable insight into the value of these methodologies and the benefits that can be achieved through their use.

This two-day event will offer an educational platform covering fundamentals, best practice, and method selection, complementing a series of application-based talks focusing on the benefits of hyphenated chromatographic techniques across various industry sectors. Talks confirmed for the scientific programme are:

RonMajors_75.pngNew Directions in Sample Preparation for Chromatographic Analysis
presented by Ronald E. Majors (ChromPrep, USA)

HianKeeLee.pngMembrane-Protected Liquid-Phase Extraction
presented by Hian Kee Lee (NUS, Singapore)

DierdreCabooter_75.pngNovel Approaches to Coupling Orthogonal Separation Mechanisms in Pharmaceutical and Environmental UHPLC Analysis
presented by Deirdre Cabooter (KU Leuven, Belgium)

MichaelDong.pngUniversal Generic (U)HPLC/UV/MS Gradient Method(s) for Multiple New Chemical Entities
presented by Michael W. Dong (MWD Consulting, USA)

JohnLangley_75.pngGC-MS and Fuels
presented by John Langley (Southampton University, UK)

DwightStoll_75.pngRecent Advances in 2D-LC for Deep and Efficient Characterization of Biopharmaceutical Materials
presented by Dwight Stoll (Gustavus Adolphus College, USA)

PhilipMarriott_75.pngHyphenation in Gas Chromatography: Improving Analyte Characterisation
presented by Philip Marriott (Monash University, Australia)

FredKlink_75.pngElectron-Capture and Electron-Transfer Dissociation for More Complete and Predictable Sequence Determination of Polypeptides
presented by Frederick E. Klink (, USA)

DavyGuillarme_75.pngWhat are the Benefits of LC-MS for Accurate and Robust Analysis of Protein Biopharmaceuticals?
presented by Davy Guillarme (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

AndredeVilliers_75.pngComprehensive 2-Dimensional HILIC × RPLC: Theory, Practice and Application to Phenolic Analysis
presented by André de Villiers (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

JohnLangley_75.pngUnlocking Complexity with API and UHPSFC-MS
by John Langley (Southampton University, UK)

NewmanSze.pngElectrostatic Interaction Modified HILIC (emHILIC) and ERLIC for Analysis of Post-translation Modifications in Aging Research
presented by Newman Sze (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

LuYonghai_75.pngHILIC-MS and RPLC-MS in Quantitative Metabolite Measurement
presented by Lu Yonghai (NERI, Singapore)

YoshihiroSaito.pngOnline Coupled MicroSPE-LC for Pseudo LC-LC Separations
presented by Yoshihiro Saito (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

BahruddinSaad.pngCapillary Electrophoresis: Versatile Tool for Chemical Analyses
presented by Bahruddin Saad (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia)

MCJung_Web.pngConsiderations for Selecting the Optimal Stationary Phases for Proteomic Trap-And-Elute Nanochromatography
presented by Moon Chul Jung (Waters Corporation, USA)

TakeshiKawamoto_Web.pngTopics and trends of separation science at JASIS 2017 and the latest developments of Japanese Separation Science Industry
presented Takeshi Kawamoto (Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers' Association (JAIMA))

martingilar_Web.pngHigh throughput LC-MS
presented by Martin Gilar (Waters Corporation, USA)

KennethOng.pngRapid Isocratic Speciation of Eight Arsenic Compounds
presented by Kenneth Ong (PerkinElmer, Singapore)

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