Powering through the complexity of elemental environmental analysis

by | Mar 9, 2023

Explore the role that ICP-MS and supporting technologies play in environmental analysis.

Explore the role that ICP-MS and supporting technologies play in environmental analysis by watching this on-demand webinar.


Format: On-demand

Duration: 1 hour

ICP-MS instruments are common inorganic analysis tools for trace elemental analysis in the environmental industry due to their multi-element capability and ability to detect toxic elements below the levels required by regulations. Instrument performance has evolved with ever more challenging regulations, and to meet requirements for new and emerging applications. However, the challenge of high matrix samples and achieving maximum instrument uptime is still an issue many laboratories face. The new Thermo ScientificTM iCAPTM RQplus ICP-MS and the Thermo Scientific iSC-65 Autosampler have been developed to face theses challenges head on.

This webcast highlights the key role that Thermo Scientific iCAP RQplus ICP-MS has in a modern high-throughput regulated environmental laboratory, with robust, automated handling of wide varieties of difficult sample matrices, from water to brines. In addition we explore the role of the supporting technologies of ICP-OES, and triple quadrupole ICP-MS in environmental analysis.

By watching this presentation you will:

  • Understand how the latest ICP-MS technologies can simplify your workflow and increase uptime and productivity
  • Discover how automated sample handling systems can support robust instrument performance when analyzing difficult environmental samples
  • Learn how data handling and method validations are streamlined using intelligent software tools.

The Presenters

JonPeters_200Jon Peters (Product Marketing Manager, Trace Elemental Analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Jon Peters is a Product Marketing manager with Thermo Fisher Scientific specializing in Trace Elemental Analysis instrumentation. He applies his experience with atomic spectroscopy instrumentation, software, consumables, and sample introduction accessories to creating innovative marketing initiatives.  

DanielKutscher2Dr. Daniel Kutscher (Product Marketing Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
After graduation in Chemistry in 2007, Daniel obtained his PhD from the University of Oviedo in 2011. In the same year he joined Thermo Fisher Scientific and has had different roles in application development and marketing. Currently, he manages the Application Development for trace elemental analysis and GC/GC-MS products.    

Who should view it:

  • Analysts operating multiple instruments for the analysis of trace elements in environmental samples
  • Operators handling wide varieties of sample matrices in consecutive automated analyses
  • Lab leaders in search of new solutions for efficiency and robust sample handling.


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