Optimization of UHPLC Methods for Food and Beverage Analysis

by | Mar 24, 2017

Rapid UHPLC targeted screening for compounds such as food additives, food dyes and endogenous food compounds (catechins, anthocyanins and steviol glycosides)

The analysis of food and beverages is necessary to ensure that:

  • manufacturers comply with strict new nutritional labelling requirements
  • regulators can identify adulterated products
  • manufacturers can substantiate product health benefit claims by identifying and quantifying certain components

In this webinar, produced in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, we demonstrate applications for rapid UHPLC targeted screening for compounds such as food additives, food dyes and endogenous food compounds such as catechins, anthocyanins and steviol glycosides. This webinar focuses on utilizing the capabilities of both instrument and alternative column chemistries to maximise method reproducibility, sensitivity and efficiency of separations.

This webinar covers three main topics:

  1. The transfer of food and beverage based applications from a standard UHPLC system to a Thermo Scientific Vanquish Flex UHPLC system for greatly improved method reproducibility
  2. Method development and optimization of food and beverage applications by exploiting alternative column chemistries, smaller particle size and the capabilities of the Vanquish Flex UHPLC system to maximise method speed and sensitivity
  3. Downloading one-click workflows including all application parameters from AppsLab Library directly into Chromeleon CDS – Ready to Run

By attending this webinar you will learn about...

  • Analytical method transfer between different UHPLC instruments
  • Method development best practices and how to speed up methods
  • Availability of alternative column chemistries and particle sizes and how their use drives separations in food and beverage analysis

When does it take place:
28 March, starting at 08.00 PDT / 11.00 EDT / 16.00 BST / 17.00 CEST
Registration is free, and all registratnts will receive a link to the recorded version of the presentation shortly after the live event.

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