Shodex's new range of columns are available for a wide range of separation techniques. The separation techniques start with reversed phase, normal phase, HILIC, ion chromatography, ion exchange, ion exclusion, size-exclusion chromatography, multi-mode chromatography and a lot more.

The variation options of polymeric and/or copolymeric stationary phases in combination with surface modifications and use of functional groups creates a huge variety, which can hardly be found in silica-based gels.
The main product introductions are as follows:
Ultra fast anionic IC column SI-35 2B
- Competitive model to Dionex AS22 Fast
- Analysis of 7 anions can be completed below 10 minutes
Ultra fast Shodex GPC HK 400 series
- 6 times speed up of analysis compared to conventional GPCs
- 6 times less solvent consumption
Ultra fast Cation Exchange IEC SP-FT
- Usable under UHPLC conditions
- < 2 min analysis possible!
HILICpak VT-50 dual mode column
- Ideal for Glyphosate
- Anionic IEX, HILIC mode + LC/MS analysis!
HILICpak VC-50 multi-mode column
- Ideal for Glyphosate
- Anionic IEX, HILIC mode + LC/MS analysis!