Separation Science, in collaboration with Restek, offers its latest 'Environmental Analysis' eBook featuring applications and methods to help you achieve faster analysis times and increase sample throughput.

Applications are provided for PFAS analysis, and solutions given for contamination of air canisters, analytical systems and sampling devices to meet Method TO-15A requirements.
Applications include:
- Fast, 8-Minute Method for Direct Injection of PFAS in Non-Potable Water
- Meet Requirements of EPA Method 537.1 PFAS Analysis with Contaminant-Free Workflow
- Method Guide for PFAS Analysis - A Survey of Existing PFAS Testing Methods and Guidelines from Around the World
- Product Guide for PFAS Analysis - A Methods-Based Reference to Lab Supplies for PFAS Testing
- Improve PCB Congener Identification Using the Ortho Effect
- Avoiding Inaccurate Ethylene Oxide Analysis Caused by Undetected Air Canister Contamination
- Method TO-15A Requirements and Best Practices for Sampling Devices, Canisters, and Analytical Systems

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