Do you analyse biomolecules? Looking for ways to improve the efficiency and quality of your separations. If so, this presentation is aimed at you...
Separation Science, in collaboration with Merck KGaA / MilliporeSigma, offers a webinar that looks at how two different column types can be used to improve biomolecule separations. The purpose of the presentation is to discuss two column modalities that have now expanded their utility into the large molecule separations arena: monolithic silica columns and superficially porous particle (SPP) packed columns. Selected aspects of the physical parameters of the stationary phase will be discussed in relation to improved efficiencies and throughput over traditional fully porous particle (FPP) packed columns.

The webinar is presented by Egidijus Machtejevas (Merck KGaA) and Cory Muraco (MilliporeSigma). In addition, applications illustrating the relevance of these column modalities in regard to characterizing biomacromolecules and advantages of these column modalities over FPP packed columns will be presented and discussed.
By viewing this presentation you will learn...
- the advantages of using these two column modalities over traditional fully porous particle packed columns
- techniques in separating biomacromolecules (top-down, bottom-up, middle-up/down analyses) by reversed-phase chromatography
- aspects of method development in reversed-phase chromatography of biomacromolecules