Are you working with ICP-MS and looking for guidance on application setups? Separation Science has collaborated with the experts at Agilent to provide a video tutorial series to help you boost your ICP-MS skills. In the second tutorial in the series, instructor Gareth Pearson teaches the fundamentals of performing analysis in a range of applications, such as analysis of aqueous samples and organic solvents.
Through this tutorial, you will learn how to configure your ICP-MS sample introduction for:
- Routine analysis with aqueous samples
- High Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) containing samples (high matrix samples)
- Organic solvent analysis
- Samples with hydrofluoric (HF) acid matrix in solution
Run time: 20 minutes
There are a total of four tutorials in the series, with the remaining modules covering ICP-MS sample introduction, ICP-MS speciation, and laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS.
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The Presenter

These tutorials are presented by Gareth Pearson (ICP-MS Supplies Product Manager at Agilent). Gareth graduated from the University of Hull, UK in 2003 with a M.Chem. in Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry & Toxicology. He went on to complete a Ph.D. using ICP-MS in 2007 with the title “Elemental Speciation and Miniaturised Sample Introduction Studies for ICP-MS”. He has worked as a Product Manager in the UK and Australia for Spectroscopy and Sample Preparation instrumentation since 2007. Currently, Dr. Pearson is the ICP-MS Spectroscopy Supplies Product Manager for Agilent based at the Spectroscopy Technology Innovation Centre in Melbourne, Australia. He has over 15 years’ experience in Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy.
Want to explore additional tutorials? Our Spectroscopy Learning Hub also covers a range of atomic absorption and ICP-OES topics.