Are you interested in a fast and easy, validated method for routine analysis of polar pesticides
and the benefits of using ion chromatography with HRAM mass spectrometry. If so, read on...
Highly polar pesticides (glyphosate, AMPA, fosetyl-aluminum, etc.) are particularly challenging analytes to study. They have very low extractability in typical multiresidue methods, such as QuEChERS, ethyl acetate methods and miniLuke. Additionally, their retention in the reversed phase liquid chromatography columns that are used for the majority of pesticide analysis, is generally poor and unstable. Using highly polar solvents, such as methanol or methanol and water, can help solve problems with extractability. One approach to addressing poor retention is derivatization. However, derivatization is time consuming and not all compounds can be derivatized.

As noted in the last European Food Safety EFSA 2014 report, these analytical challenges mean that many routine laboratories do not have the capabilities necessary to determine polar pesticide compounds.
Separation Science, in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, offers a webinar, presented by Łukasz Rajski, who works in the laboratory of Dr. Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba at the University of Almería in Spain, who will talk about the application and evaluation of ion chromatography coupled to Orbitrap mass spectrometry for multiresidue detection of polar pesticides in fruits and vegetables. The validated method he will present is fast and easy to implement for routine analysis. In all cases, it provides adequate LOQs relative to EU MRLs and the linearity, retention time variation, mass accuracy and repeatability meet the most stringent criteria of Quality Control performance for routine food control.
By attending this presentation you will learn about...
- the challenges of analyzing polar pesticides
- a fast and easy, validated method for routine analysis of polar pesticides
- the benefits of using ion chromatography with HRAM mass spectrometry