GC-MS Technology to Improve Analytical Efficiency and Reduce Cost of Operation for VOC and SVOC Compound Analysis

by | May 21, 2019

Presentation outlining how advances in GC/MS technology can provide greater sensitivity and lower detection limits to improve routine sample analysis.

Separation Science, in collaboration with its sponsors Agilent, Markes International and PerkinElmer, has developed an 'Advances in Environmental Analysis eSeminar'. This unique on-demand event brings together some of the leading exponents in the field of environmental analysis and provides an interactive learning environment for scientists working in this industry.

Marvin_80.pngIn this presentation, Craig Marvin, Environmental Segment Manager, from Agilent Technologies outlines how advances in GC/MS technology can provide greater sensitivity and lower detection limits that allow for flexible approaches to routine sample analysis including reduced sample size, faster analysis, improved precision and data quality, and quicker system cycle times. 

Today’s routine testing laboratory faces the challenge of maintaining profitable sample analysis in a high throughput environment. Increasing sample loads and round the clock operation of analytical systems necessitate maximal uptime, optimal cycle time, ease of operation and effortless maintenance. Depending on the geographic region, method reporting limits for organics analysis in environmental waters require extraction of large sample volumes for SVOC analysis and the use of complex sample extraction techniques for VOC analysis.
The introduction of Agilent’s Model 5977B Mass Spectrometer with the High-Efficiency Source (HES) transforms organics analysis by GC/MS. The revolutionary design of the HES produces greater sensitivity and lower detection limits that allow for flexible approaches to routine sample analysis including reduced sample size, faster analysis, improved precision and data quality, and quicker system cycle times.

By viewing this presentation you will learn...

  • Functional operation for the high efficiency source, which produces and detects a greater abundance of ions. Data will be presented that demonstrates SIM-level sensitivity can now be achieved in full-scan mode. Acquisition in synchronous SIM/Scan mode captures both SIM and full scan data in the same analysis.
  • How application of this new technology can improve MDL and IDL of GC/MS analytical systems used for routine VOC and SVOC analysis in environmental water samples.
  • How application of this new technology can improve operational efficiency, reduce down time, enhance data quality and lower operating costs.

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