GC/MS Analysis of Aromatics in Gasoline using ASTM D5769

by | Jan 9, 2020

This presentation will offer best practices for setting up, optimizing, and running ASTM D5769 on a new, cost-effective GC/MS system.

Would you like to find out more about the D5769 GC/MS method for total aromatics analysis in gasoline and remain in compliance with EPA regulations? This on-demand webinar offers best practices for setting up, optimizing, and running this method.

The unavailability of fluorescence dye has impacted the widely used D1319 method for determining total aromatics in reformulated gasoline. To remain in compliance with EPA regulations, many labs are considering the more complex D5769 GC/MS method for total aromatics analysis.

Successful performance of a GC/MS system depends on good chromatography, an inert flow path, and low background signal, where the quality of the carrier gas, whether achieved with filters or high-grade gas supply, and leak free connections play important roles in flow path and low backgrounds. Easy-to-use products for monitoring gas filter lifetime and installing columns help in the set-up and routine operation to increase the uptime of the GC/MS system.

This presentation offers best practices for setting up, optimizing, and running this method on a new, cost-effective GC/MS system. Data analysis approaches are also discussed with emphasis on a new system for automated reporting of results.

By viewing this webinar you will...

  • understand the different ASTM configurations and operations of D5769
  • learn techniques to optimize the Agilent 8860/5977 GC/MS system for running D5769
  • understand how the 8860/5877 GC/MS system performs for different D5769 configurations.

The Presenters

Jim McCurry is a senior applications chemist at Agilent specializing in analytical chemistry measurements for the chemical and refining industries. His current work is in multidimensional GC, trace analysis in complex matrices, and fast GC, and GC/MS.

Craig Marvin serves as the Business and Product Marketing Manager for GC, MS and Sample Containment supplies within the Agilent CrossLab Group. His team collaborates with internal & external stakeholders to update existing and develop new technology for improving system performance for analyses across the market segments served by Agilent.


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