Food metabolomics for the evaluation of Japanese rice wines using LC-MS/MS

by | Jun 24, 2020

Various types of malted rice sake, made from the same manufacturer are analysed for a total of 97 hydrophilic metabolites.

In this study, various types of malted rice sake, made from the same manufacturer are analysed for a total of 97 hydrophilic metabolites (e.g. amino acids and organic acids).

Japanese-rice-wineJapanese sake or wines are largely segmented and differentiated based on suggestions by connoisseur or sommelier. Different sake has different taste, aroma and flavour which can be assessed by human assessors. However it is very intriguing to know what might cause this difference and if we can predict the taste of a sake by an alternate methodology. Food Metabolomics can be applied for this purpose to comprehensively analyse the metabolites present, generate a metabolomic profile and correlate that with the human evaluation results.

In this article, various types of malted rice sake, made from the same manufacturer are analysed for a total of 97 hydrophilic metabolites (e.g. amino acids and organic acids). With different ratios of polished rice and koji rice (i.e. steam rice cultivated with mould) used in making the rice wine, the amount of amino acids and organic acids found in the sake differs imparting different depths of flavour. This technique could also differentiate the metabolomic profiles of the mixture and supernatant of the same type of rice wine. This metabolomic approach provides science-based insights on the contents of functional ingredients and possibly identifies key quality markers in rice wine.

Fig-Japanese-rice-winesScore Plot of the Different Types of Rice Wine (sake) made from Malted Rice.

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  • Learn about food metabolomics and conduct a single LC-MS/MS analysis of 97 hydrophilic metabolites
  • Compare the differences in metabolite profiles to identify the characteristic components in different types of sake.


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