Fast and Selective Purification of Oligonucleotides

Separation Science, in collaboration with Agilent, offers an application note describing an oligonucleotide purification method with mass selective detection (MSD) that uses alternative, less costly reagents.

Application Overview

Synthetic oligonucleotides with fewer than 100 nucleotides are typically analysed and purified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). For higher selectivity, mass selective detection (MSD) is often desired, although this technique requires high-purity, costly reagents such as hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). This application note from Agilent describes a purification method with MSD that uses alternative, less costly reagents. Target compounds were collected faster and with higher purity compared to conventional methods.

What you will learn:

  • How to optimize oligonucleotide purification methods triggered by an MSD signal
  • How to simplify method translation from analytical- to preparative-scale purification using Agilent Purification Software 
  • How to improve fraction collection using superficially porous particle columns 

Listen to application note author Dr Florian Rieck discuss the key elements of this work - simply click on the image below:

App2_NS_FR Want to know more? Download your personal copy of the application note PDF by completing the form to the right.



Author & Presenter:

Florian_100Dr Florian Rieck
LC Applications Chemist, Agilent Technologies
Florian Rieck holds a master's degree in food chemistry and a PhD in analytical chemistry from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. Florian joined Agilent Technologies in 2015 as an application chemist for liquid chromatography (LC). He initially worked on general LC applications, but soon focused on preparative liquid chromatography and mass-based purification applications.

