Learn about the latest environmental applications for elemental and contaminant analysis. Subjects areas cover the elemental analysis of lithium mineral samples, analysis of trace elements in lithium hexafluorophosphate electrolyte samples, the determination of trace organic acids and inorganic anions in boric acid-treated power plant waters, and the use of a dual-tower autosampler that is capable of doubling sample throughput in analytical testing laboratories.
In addition to the application notes below, you'll also be able to download the 'Environmental Contaminant Analysis Compendium' that includes a whole range of application notes covering four areas: organic contaminants; inorganic, trace elemental and by-product contaminants; emerging contaminants; and nutrient analysis.
Composition characterization of lithium-rich minerals as an exploitable source of lithium using ICP-OES
This note demonstrates the suitability of ICP-OES for the elemental analysis of lithium mineral samples following microwave assisted acid digestion.
Robust and sensitive measurement of trace element impurities in LiPF6 electrolyte solutions using ICP-OES
This note demonstrates the capabilities of ICP-OES for sensitive, robust, fast, and straightforward analysis of trace elements in lithium hexafluorophosphate electrolyte samples.

Determination of trace organic acids and inorganic anions in boric acid-treated power plant waters using an automated reagent-free ion chromatography system
Ion chromatography (IC) is an indispensable technique for the determination of trace concentrations of ionic impurities found in power plant waters. After lithium removal with a Thermo Scientific Dionex CR-CTC III Continuously Regenerated Cation Trap Column, the sample is concentrated before separating the anions using a Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac AS15 column set and an electrolytically generated potassium hydroxide gradient.

Doubling the sample throughput with AI/AS 1610 Gemini configuration
The aim of this work is to develop and test a method based on IC coupled with an IC-MS/MS for the determination of polar pesticides and their metabolites in grapes.

Plus download the compendium...

Environmental contaminant analysis compendium
Environmental contaminants compendium with application notes covering four areas of organic contaminants; inorganic, trace elemental and by-product contaminants; emerging contaminants; and nutrient analysis.
