What techniques are available for trace elemental analysis of food samples and which is best for you?
The determination of the elemental content of food samples is critical for consumer safety, as it allows the identification of toxic elements such as lead and arsenic. In addition, it provides useful information regarding the nutritional characteristics of the food sample under test and is often a requirement to fulfill food labeling legislation. An analysis can, therefore, vary from one element to meet the requirements of nutritional labeling or include a wider suite of elements which incorporates toxic and nutritional elements.
An on-demand talk will present the techniques available for the analysis and provide advice on how to select which is right for the different types of analysis.
Matthew Cassap will give the presentation, which provides an understanding of the different techniques available for the analysis of food samples and which is relevant to your analysis. In 2012 Matthew assumed responsibility for the Thermo Scientific ICP-OES product line and is based at the manufacturing facility in Cambridge, UK. Recently he has taken on the role of TEA product marketing specialist within Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Separation Science, in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, offers an on-demand seminar covering the issues surrounding the analysis of trace heavy metals in food matrices and the solutions available.
Don't miss out on Matthew's presentation.