Efficient, Cost Effective and Environmentally Friendly Approach to Semi-volatile Analysis

by | May 9, 2019

Environmentally friendly techniques for semi-volatile analysis to help labs improve profitability and productivity.

In this presentation from an 'Advances in Enviromental Analysis eSeminar' hosted by Separation Science in collaboration with PerkinElmer, Lee Marotta (PerkinElmer, USA) describes some environmentally friendly techniques for semi-volatile analysis that can also improve lab profitability and productivity.

The ability to improve detection limits in the determination of toxic semi-volatile compounds such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides is desirable to protect public health. There are several techniques employed including very sensitive Mass Spectrometry (MS) tools and innovative injection techniques to enhance the detection of these compounds.

Taking advantage of these new tools and methodologies, laboratories have the ability to reduce the sample size needed to meet and/or exceed the detection limit criteria in semi-volatile analysis. Laboratories can enjoy increased profitability from the reduction in the extraction solvent required and from the reduction in shipping and storage costs. Also, using this enhanced method, laboratory productivity will increase.

About the presenter
Marotta_80.pngLee Marotta has been a gas chromatographer for over 25 years starting at Exxon Corporate Research in 1988. After Exxon, Lee moved to PerkinElmer in 1992 as a Product Specialist and is currently a Senior Field Application Scientist focusing on solutions for the petroleum and environmental industries. Lee has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental field including water, soil and a focus on air.

By viewing this on-demand webinar you will learn...

  • how your lab can improve profitability and productivity
  • how these new, environmentally friendly techniques can enhance analytical results such as precision and recovery.

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