Effective workflows for the routine quantitation of pesticide residues in food products

by | May 5, 2020

Join us for this webinar and discover some fast and cost-effective solutions for the analysis of pesticides in food

Do you require fast and cost-effective solutions for the analysis of pesticides in food? If so, this on-demand webinar describes the development and implementation of two separate complete workflow solutions based on LC-MS/MS and IC-MS/MS for the routine quantitation of pesticide residues in food products.

The routine quantitation of pesticide residues in food products is one of the most important and demanding applications in food safety. Despite the recent technological advancements in LC-MS, it is still challenging to quantify hundreds of LC-amenable pesticides with a single, robust, and sensitive workflow solution. In addition, polar pesticides present a unique challenge, which often occur as residues in food, but are not always included in pesticide monitoring programs.

This presentation describes the development and implementation of two separate complete workflow solutions based on LC-MS/MS and IC-MS/MS. These ready-to-go solutions have been validated in a variety of matrices across multiple laboratories. In addition, customized software used for data acquisition and processing allows users to rapidly implement these methods and enhance productivity.

By viewing this webinar you will learn ...

  • to address critical challenges in targeted quantitation of a large panel of pesticides by LC-MS/MS in food laboratories using a generic QuEChERS extraction protocol with minimal clean-up
  • a new, validated IC-MS/MS based workflow for the robust, sensitive and reliable determination of 15 polar anionic pesticides and metabolites at low µg/kg levels in a single run.

The Presenter

Ed_George_80Ed George (Senior Applications Scientist, Environmental and Food Safety, Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA)
Ed George has a BS in Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame with concentration in Environmental Science. He worked for 15 years in the environmental laboratory industry, holding positions of Lab Technician (2 yrs), Lab Manager (10 yrs), and R&D Manager (3 yrs), responsible for developing novel sample preparation and analysis methods in soil and water on GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS platforms. He participated in several collaborative method development projects with the USEPA. In 2014, he joined Thermo Fisher Scientific and is currently a Senior Applications Scientist. He has worked closely with key collaborators on food safety and environmental projects in universities and industry, and has recently developed workflow applications for pesticide and veterinary medicine residues in food on both LC/MS/MS and high resolution MS platforms.

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