Discover the advantages of TF-SPME sample extraction prior to GC-MS

by | Dec 4, 2019

Discover the advantages of TF-SPME sample preparation for GC-MS, including sensitivity, ease of use, versatility, and precision using various examples.

Would you benefit from learning more about the advantages of thin film solid-phase microextraction (TF-SPME) as an extraction technique? If so, this on-demand webinar will provide the answers via a serious of application examples.

What does it cover?

The advantages of TF-SPME as an extraction technique will be discussed using the following examples:

  • Comparing off-flavor chemicals in beer by sequential-SBSE and TF-SPME
  • Analysis of vegetable oils by HS-TF-SPME
  • Chemicals in vaping products by HS-TF-SPME
  • Analysis of free and glycosidically bound volatile phenolics in smoke-tainted wines.

By viewing this presentation you will learn:

  • about the advantages of TF-SPME sample preparation for GC-MS, including sensitivity, ease of use, versatility, and precision
  • how one sample preparation technique does not always work best for all sample types and analytes
  • how with GERSTEL thermal desorption instrumentation, selecting the most appropriate extraction technique from many options is possible.

The Presenter

Ray_Marsili_100_v2Ray Marsili
(Marsili Consulting Group, Rockford, Illinois, USA)

Ray has published over 30 journal papers on food and flavor chemistry. He has edited four books on flavor, fragrance and odor analysis [Techniques for Analyzing Food Aroma (1997); Flavor, Fragrance and Odor Analysis (2002); Sensory-Directed Flavor Analysis (2006)] and Flavor, Fragrance and Odor Analysis, 2nd Ed. (2012). He has 35 years' experience as an R&D analytical laboratory manager/flavor chemist for major national and international food and ingredient companies. Today, he is an independent analytical flavor consultant, with a laboratory at Rockford University, Rockford, Illinois, USA.

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