Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are primarily monitored using canisters in accordance with US EPA Method TO-15. However, analysis of these ‘air toxics’ is challenged by the ever-greater range of analytes and concentrations of interest, and by the range of temperatures and humidities at sampling locations.
Separation Science, in collaboration with Markes International, offers an on-demand webinar describing an innovative water management mechanism which preserves your GC–MS, and as part of Markes International instrumentation overcomes these difficulties for the analysis of canister air samples.
The system described in this presentation, given by Dr David Wevill, operates cryogen-free, and allows confident GC–MS canister analysis of both regular (ppbv) and trace-level (pptv) polar and non-polar VOCs in humid environments, in compliance with US EPA Method TO-15 and Chinese EPA method HJ 759.
The benefits of viewing this on-demand presentation include learning about:
- how you can monitor ‘air toxics’ – including very volatile compounds and polar species – in humid canister air
- how you can achieve excellent system performance for trace-level TO-15 samples even at 100% relative humidity
- how this water-management technology can be extended to on-line monitoring.
For more information and to view this free-access on-demand webinar simply click on the button below: