Cryogen-Free Analysis of Trace-Level EPA TO-15 ‘Air Toxics’ in Humid Air

by | Sep 19, 2017

Confident GC–MS canister analysis of regular and trace-level polar and non-polar VOCs in humid environments- US EPA Method TO-15, Chinese EPA method HJ 759

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are primarily monitored using canisters in accordance with US EPA Method TO-15. However, analysis of these ‘air toxics’ is challenged by the ever-greater range of analytes and concentrations of interest, and by the range of temperatures and humidities at sampling locations.

BlogImage.jpgSeparation Science, in collaboration with Markes International, offers an on-demand webinar describing an innovative water management mechanism which preserves your GC–MS, and as part of Markes International instrumentation overcomes these difficulties for the analysis of canister air samples.

Dave_60.pngThe system described in this presentation, given by Dr David Wevill, operates cryogen-free, and allows confident GC–MS canister analysis of both regular (ppbv) and trace-level (pptv) polar and non-polar VOCs in humid environments, in compliance with US EPA Method TO-15 and Chinese EPA method HJ 759.

The benefits of viewing this on-demand presentation include learning about:

  • how you can monitor ‘air toxics’ – including very volatile compounds and polar species – in humid canister air
  • how you can achieve excellent system performance for trace-level TO-15 samples even at 100% relative humidity
  • how this water-management technology can be extended to on-line monitoring.

For more information and to view this free-access on-demand webinar simply click on the button below:


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