Successfully transferring a method to a different instrument or laboratory is a challenge faced by most chromatographers. Method transfer might be as simple as migrating an established method to an identical instrument keeping all separation parameters constant — or it may involve adapting the method to a new instrument with an “equivalent” column or attempting to substantially improve the method for a more modern instrument with differences in column chemistry.

Systematic success
The path to success requires the analyst to apply a systematic protocol based on an understanding of fundamental chromatographic principles and potential errors.
Thomas E. Wheat of Waters Corporation, in conjunction with Separation Science, presents an informative webinar on the principles of developing and validating chromatography method transfers.
You will learn
- How to successfully transfer established chromatographic methods
- to a new user or laboratory
- to a different instrument with the same colum
- to an instrument using a newer separation mode such as UHPLC or UPLC
- The separation challenges in method transfer, such as system dwell volume, extracolumn dispersion, temperature effects, injection mode, and detector considerations
- Potential pitfalls
- Factors required for successful validation of transferred methods
- The role of information-rich detectors in confirming a successful transfer