Capillary Column Backflush

by | May 8, 2019

An introduction to the concepts of backflushing capillary columns.

In this technical article we introduce the concepts of backflushing capillary columns.

The technique of reversing the flow in GC columns to remove highly retained components from the front of the column has been used for decades with packed columns in valved configurations. Packed columns are usually used in isothermal analyses that require the use of several different columns in order to cover the boiling point range of a sample.
   Even though one uses a temperature program to attempt to cover the full range of analytes in capillary column GC, there are several benefits one can derive from backflushing.
   Capillary column backflushing can be implemented with single-column analyses as well as multidimensional separations such as when using a Deans switch or flow modulator for GC×GC. 

By reading the full article you will gain an introduction to the concepts of backflushing capillary columns.

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