Broughton Nicotine Services accelerating science through innovation

by | Apr 7, 2021

Learn now Broughton Nicotine Services utilizes a number of state-of-the-art technologies able to meet the analytical needs of their clients

This case study describes how Broughton Nicotine Services, a Contract Research Organization (CRO) utilizes a number of state-of-the-art technologies able to meet the analytical needs of their clients including Vanquish UHPLC platforms coupled to TSQ Altis tandem mass spectrometers, all controlled through compliance-ready CDS software in order to supply the best services possible.

Thermo-Broughton-LaboratoriesBroughton Nicotine Services is a privately-owned global Contract Research Organization (CRO) serving clients in the reduced risk nicotine delivery industry. They offer fully integrated end-to-end services to deliver regulatory projects for US Premarket Tobacco Product Applications (PMTA), EU Medicinal Product Applications (MAA) and EU Tobacco Product Directive (TPD) notifications.

With the constantly evolving global regulatory landscape, clients are attracted to Broughton Nicotine Services due to their ability to keep up to date with regulatory requirements, manage all aspects of project delivery, and apply an agile approach to ensure project deadlines are met.

Compliant services enabled by advanced technologies
In order to supply the best services possible, Broughton utilizes a number of state-of-the-art technologies able to meet the analytical needs of their clients. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) technology is employed at the front end to a myriad of detection techniques. Thermo Scientific™ Ultimate 3000™ HPLC systems have historically provided a stable platform for their liquid separations. Broughton are now building on their UHPLC offerings with multiple Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC platforms, providing robust and reliable separations, and showing excellent performance with very little maintenance required between preventive maintenance visits.

A range of Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers (MS) are utilized providing flexibility for a variety of analyses. As an example, the Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Altis™ triple quadrupole mass spectrometer system is used for analyses needing detection of ultra-trace levels, leveraging its high sensitivity.

Single platform instrument control, along with highly robust systems from Thermo Fisher Scientific enable Broughton Nicotine Services to achieve its commitments to clients with increased confidence of the speed and quality of its committed deliverables.

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