Basis of Interactions in Gas Chromatography, Part 1 – Non-Polar Interactions

by | May 8, 2019

Understanding the fundamental intermolecular interactions that lead to retention, mainly dispersive, non-polar interactions is discussed.

To fully grasp the concepts of retention and selectivity of GC stationary phases, one must first understand the fundamental intermolecular interactions that lead to retention. This article discusses the most dominant of those interactions – dispersive, non-polar interactions.

There are fewer types of intermolecular interactions available for interactions between solutes and stationary phases in gas chromatography compared to those possible in liquid chromatography. In addition, the mobile phase in GC (the carrier gas) plays no role in adjusting or modifying the nature of intermolecular interactions during the run. So, the range of possibilities in retention forces and selectivity is much more limited in GC than in LC.

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