Coulometric Titration— Faster and More Efficient

by Separation Science in collaboration with the life science business of Merck KGaA... | Sep 8, 2021

A new coulometric reagent for water determination by Karl Fischer titration making the process for samples with low water content more efficient.

This article from Issue 10 of the Analytix Reporter, produced by Merck, introduces a new Aquastar® coulometric reagent for water determination by Karl Fischer titration. The new coulometric Anolyte for cells without a diaphragm makes the titration process for samples with low water content more efficient, accurate, and reproducible.

Coulometric_tritrationCoulometric Karl Fischer titration is the most suitable method and especially evolved for determining very low levels of water in a wide variety of samples, providing accurate and reliable results and a fast titration. The new coulometric Anolyte for cells without a diaphragm was formulated to improve coulometric titration, making the process even faster. Using this new reagent gives highly accurate and reproducible results.

The coulometric Karl Fischer Titration is an absolute method and, therefore, the method of choice for low water content samples. Coulometry generates iodine in situ through anodic oxidation at the generator electrode during the titration. Therefore, coulometric reagents do not contain iodine, but iodide. A very sensitive and accurate control of the iodine generation enables the precise determination of very low water concentration, down to 10 ppm.


  • no crystallization
  • extremely fast with efficient conditioning time
  • very good drift stability
  • rapid and reproducible results
  • high accuracy and excellent precision.

Download the full article for more information. 

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*The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.

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