Analysis of PFAS in the Environment

by | Apr 2, 2019

A variety of resources from Shimadzu to help you better understand PFAS and learn the current techniques for PFAS analysis. The difficulties and pitfalls of using LC-MS/MS...

Around the world, communities are discovering that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are commonly found in drinking water and the environment. These chemicals are persistent, toxic and harmful and their presence and accumulation in the environment leads to rising concerns about the health risks associated with PFAS exposure. 

Monitoring of PFAS in the Environment

Proper monitoring of PFAS in the environment is necessary to assess the overall degree of exposure and understand the contamination sources to implement protection measures. In various regions of the world (e.g. Australia, the European Union and the United States), PFAS regulations for drinking water have been implemented. For instance, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the PFOA/PFOS Drinking Water Health Advisory in 2017, and the recent announcement of EPA’s PFAS action plan included further enforcements to address PFAS monitoring and public health. These require highly sensitive and reliable analytical methods.

Shimadzu Provides Solutions for PFAS Analysis

Shimadzu’s application experts support environmental testing and research laboratories and provide them with LC-MS/MS technology best suited for their PFAS testing needs. By working closely with regulatory bodies, Shimadzu stays up-to-date with the latest developments (e.g. EPA 537.1 and EPA 8327) and vetted several LC-MS/MS methods for PFAS analysis.

A variety of resources were created to help you better understand PFAS and learn the current techniques for PFAS analysis. Shimadzu understands your challenges in PFAS analyses, and the resources will discuss the difficulties and pitfalls of using LC-MS/MS for environmental monitoring and illustrate the solutions through several case studies on drinking water and environmental matrices.

To learn more on PFAS, start off by watching this short animatic and understand how Shimadzu can help your PFAS analysis.

PFAS Frames

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