Shimadzu has produced an application note describing the analysis of heavy metals in pet food using its ICP-MS 2030.
In order to comply with strict regulations set out in the Pet Food Safety Law introduced on June 1, 2009, manufacturers, vendors, and importers must adhere to the component standards. A ministerial ordinance regarding component standards for pet food was also enacted on March 1, 2012 in Japan. This ordinance specifies three heavy metals; cadmium, lead, and arsenic. This application introduces a simultaneous analysis performed on toxic elements in pet food using the Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 ICP mass spectrometer to ensure the safety of pet food.
Sample Preparation
The sample was commercially available pet food. The microwave digestion method was used that could
decompose samples faster than the typically used wet digestion method. Since this method uses a closed vessel, it also has the advantage that loss of volatile elements such as arsenic is minimal.
The calibration curve method was used for analysis of the three elements; cadmium, lead, and arsenic.
To verify the analysis results, a spike recovery test sample was created by adding a standard solution of measurement elements after the sample decomposition. Quantitative analysis was performed in the same way using this sample.
Results and Conclusion
The detection limit is 1/1000th or less of the standard value, so the sensitivity was evidently sufficient. Furthermore, with the favourable spike recovery rates obtained, the validity of the quantitative values was confirmed. Using the ICPMS-2030, it is possible to perform an analysis for controlling the heavy metals; cadmium, lead, and arsenic in pet food.