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Hui Lin
(The Dow Chemical Company, Michigan, USA)
This webinar is now available to view on-demand. To access the presentation complete the form opposite.
Hui Lin
(The Dow Chemical Company, Michigan, USA)
Dioxin compounds, including polychlorinated dibezo-p-doxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), are a class of global persistent organic compounds (PoPs). These compounds have 210 congeners, 17 of which, with chlorine substitution in the 2,3,7,8 positions, are considered as highly toxic and of the most interest in trace analysis. Determination of dioxin compounds in water/wastewater samples is very complicated, requiring time-consuming sample preparation and highly sensitive and selective instrumentation. Currently, GC coupled to high-resolution magnetic sector mass spectrometry (GC/HRMS) is the reference technique in EPA Method 1613b; however, GC/HRMS is expensive in maintenance and requires a highly specialized skillset for operation. GC/MS/MS, instead, is much cheaper and easier for operation.
This current study developed an alternative method for dioxin analysis in water samples. In contrast to the GC/MS/MS method for dioxin analysis in food and feed, which primarily focuses on the 17 toxic dioxin compounds, the method for dioxin analysis in water samples needs to consider the potential co-elution and interference of non-toxic dioxin congeners. Therefore, this presentation will discuss not only the sensitivity for low level dioxin quantification via an Agilent 7010B high efficiency Quadrupole MS/MS system but also the separation of toxic and non-toxic dioxin compounds in water samples via an appropriate GC program.
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