Would you benefit from learning about some advanced methods for food contaminants determination? If so, this on-demand webinar is for you as it focuses particularly on the performance of LC-MS/MS and Laminar-Flow Mass Spectrometry when applied to food analysis, and strategies for method optimization.

Format: On-demand
Duration: Approx. 45 minutes
The presentation introduces you to the most advanced methods for food contaminants determination. In particular, performances of the LC-MS/MS technology and Laminar-Flow Mass Spectrometry applied to food analysis and strategies for method optimization are covered.
Applications cover:
- multi-residue analysis of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
- mycotoxins and alkaloids analysis in different food matrices
- veterinary drugs and antibiotics analysis in dairy products.
By watching this presentation you will learn:
- Insights in sample preparation methods for specific extraction and enrichment of contaminant residues from food matrices
- New analytical methods for sensitive determination of mycotoxins in food using QSight triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS
- How Laminar-Flow tandem Mass Spectrometry applied to food testing delivers reliable results, extends instrument uptime while maintaining the sample throughputs and high sensitivity required.

The Presenter
Francisco A. Ferron
Senior Product Specialist for LC-MS, PerkinElmer
Francisco Ferron gained his PhD in geochemisty at Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) in collaboration with the “Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement” (CEA - Saclay, France). He has almost two decades of experience as an application chemist covering pharma, clinical, food and environmental markets and is a mass spectrometry specialist. Francisco joined PerkinElmer as Senior Product Specialist for LC-MS in 2021.