Advances in online viscometry to increase sensitivity and dynamic range

by | Apr 29, 2019

Find out more about advances in online viscometry and how a new differential viscometer dramatically improves sensitivity and near immunity to pump pulses

Would you like to find out more about the extensive capabilities of a new differential viscometer that include dramatically improved sensitivity and near immunity to pump pulses? This presentation offered by Separation Science, in collaboration with Wyatt Technology, details how these advances in online viscometery have extended the limits of detection for intrinsic viscosity and hydrodynamic radius.


Online differential viscometers are commonly coupled to gel permeation chromatography (GPC) for molar mass determination via the Mark-Houwink-Sakurada relation, or alternatively the universal calibration technique. However, viscometry’s real strength is realized when coupled with multi-angle light scattering (MALS) to characterize size, shape, branching, and aggregation of polymers and biomolecules, providing deeper insight into macromolecular properties.
New developments in the technology of differential viscometers extend their capabilities to the realm of compact molecules such as proteins. Improved sensor technology in conjunction with a patented thermal balancing system allows for dramatically improved sensitivity and near immunity to pump pulses. In this presentation a new differential viscometer is described, incorporating these advances and others, that measures hydrodynamic radius with sensitivity exceeding that of online dynamic light scattering, especially for globular proteins and other compact macromolecules.

By viewing this presentation you will learn...

  • How a new high resolution online bridge viscometer increases sensitivity and dynamic range by more than than 3x over previous generation instruments
  • When coupled with MALS, one can measure Rh of large polymers and small biomolecules
  • Patented thermal tuning ensures that the bridge is always balanced
  • Lower dispersion bridge preserves peak resolution in multi-detector systems
  • Improved thermal design gives stable baselines for optimal peak detection
  • Innovative pulse suppression insures the measurement is immune to pump pulses.

The Presenters

strainoffSteve Trainoff graduated from the California Institute of Technology with honors with a B.S. in Physics. He subsequently attended the University of California at Santa Barbara where he completed a Ph.D. in experimental physics. His thesis work concerned the non-linear dynamics of pattern-forming systems. Concurrent with his graduate work, he consulted with a variety of companies including Xerox. Dr. Trainoff has directed the company's engineering and manufacturing activities for the last 15 years and is active in on-going development and research programs. He holds a number of key patents on the design of Analytical instrumentation. In 2010 he was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

spodzimekStepan Podzimek (SYNPO) 

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