[On-Demand Webinar] Accelerating Large Molecule LC-MS Method Development

by | Apr 12, 2018

Rapid development of sensitive and selective peptide bioanalytical methods are required to support the expanding protein component of pharmaceutical companies’ drug pipeline. Choosing the best MRM for...

Rapid development of sensitive and selective peptide bioanalytical methods are required to support the expanding protein component of pharmaceutical companies’ drug pipeline. Choosing the best MRM for a large molecule peptide or protein is a challenge because multiple charge states are possible, and the many production possibilities leave many MRMs to be screened.


Manual tuning is tedious, and optimizing for sensitivity via LC injections is time-consuming when monitoring multiple MRMs per peptide, and multiple peptides per protein.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the advantages of an automated workflow for large molecule characterization and optimization.
  • Receive an overview of how to use DiscoveryQuant™ software for peptide tuning and optimization.

Ian_Moore_HeadshotIan Moore is Global Technical Marketing Manager for Pharma applications at SCIEX, based in Toronto, Canada. Ian has many years of experience in bioanalytical method development and validation in both a pharmaceutical and CRO environment. He joined SCIEX in 2012, and has been recently focused on the development and application of the BioBA Solution for pre-clinical and clinical biologics quantitation. Ian is a graduate of the University of Toronto and holds a PhD in organic chemistry.

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