Improve Your LC-MS/MS Pesticide Multiresidue Analysis

by | Apr 18, 2017

Development, optimization and performance of a large LC-MS/MS pesticide multiresidue method using Triggered MRM and on-line dilution

Separation Science, in collaboration with Agilent Technologies and Covance Laboratories, brings you an on-demand version of a webinar titled 'Improved LC-MS/MS Pesticide Multiresidue Analysis using Triggered MRM and On-Line Dilution' by Dr Katerina Mastovska (Covance Laboratories, Greenfield, Indiana, USA).

This webinar discusses development, optimization and performance of a large LC-MS/MS pesticide multiresidue method for separation of about 450 analytes within 10 minutes. The method uses so called Triggered MRM function, which enables acquisition of additional MS/MS transitions for increased confidence in analyte identification.

AgWeb160216_OND.pngWhat is covered?
Acetonitrile extracts (prepared using a QuEChERS-based extraction) are injected directly without a need for a dilution with an aqueous buffer/solution prior to the injection because the LC system employs on-line dilution ensuring excellent peak shape of early eluting (more polar) analytes. The method was validated for routine use in multiple food matrices. 


By viewing this webinar you will learn:

  • how to optimize LC-MS/MS conditions for advanced analysis of pesticide residues
  • how to achieve successful interlaboratory method development and transfer of a globally harmonized method
  • how robust on-line dilution set-up improves peak shape and retention of more polar pesticides
  • how Triggered MRM (tMRM) function provides improved identification confidence
  • how the discussed analytical tools and tips can be applied in any other applications using LC-MS/MS


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