Screening Analysis of Highly Polar Doping Agents in Urine Using 2D LC-MS/MS

by | Feb 8, 2018

This application note highlights 2D LC-MS/MS for the simultaneous analysis of highly polar doping agents and adrenergic agents.

Shimadzu has produced an application note highlighting 2D LC-MS/MS for the simultaneous analysis of highly polar doping agents and adrenergic agents. Download the full application note to see which compounds can be detected.

Shimadzu_highly_polar_doping_agents.pngThe use of performance-enhancing drugs, or "doping," has been recognised for decades and since 1999 the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has governed and harmonized the worldwide sports drug testing efforts. However, these needs are changing and the continuing discovery of new doping strategies with naturally
occurring substances, such as androgenic steroids, prohormones and related metabolites, peptide hormones, as well as the emergence of designer drugs and the manipulation of blood and blood components results in sports drug testing methods which are capable of a range of tests. In this application news, the simultaneous analysis of highly polar doping agents including meldonium and adrenergic agents such as synephrine, norfenefrine, etilefrine, oxilofrine and octopamine using 2D LC/MS/MS is reported.

The application demonstrated that in all samples, both the unchanged form and sulphated metabolites were detected.

Click below to view the full application note.

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